Personal Doulas

 As your personal doulas we hold your hand and your space during birth so that
you and your partner can focus on bearing your baby safely and calmly into the world.

We support you and ensure that you feel empowered all along
during pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

What a birth doula is and how we can help you…

Asdoulas we are trained to provide emotional, physical, mental and spiritual support during pregnancy, birth and the first hours after birth.

We work on the basis of evidence and holism. In short that means that we combine science and spirituality, research and intuition and use our 24+ years of experience as doulas to help you and your partner feel safe, met, heard, and seen when you work with us.

Copenhagen Doulas – 2024

I cannot really express in words how grateful I am that we had a chance to work with Louise and Karina.

After a traumatic emergency cesarean birth of our first daughter, we decided to work with Karina and Louise to prepare ourselves better for the birth of our second daughter.

Karina and Louise provided us with so many tools, ideas and suggestions. They are professional, sweet and amazing!

By working with them, I regained trust in my body and was able to have the VBAC I hoped for. Karina was there during the birth to support us and this (together with alle the preparation sessions) has been priceless for both me and my partner.

I can only recommend them.

Anna, second time mum

My husband and I are so grateful to Louise and Karina for their teachings and support and for being the biggest pillars of strength in the birth of our baby.

We joined the birth prep class and the 6 sessions were insightful, emotional and prepared us the best way possible for the birth. The progressive structure of the course over 6 weeks gave us the time to absorb all the information and help us make an informed decision about our birth preferences. It’s also a great opportunity to meet other expectant couples and share thoughts.

We also took the full doula package where in the lovely warm ladies help me calm mentally and physically in my pregnancy while empowering us with their techniques.

On the day of the birth, Louise came home as my labor built up and took us to the hospital, took care of all the communication with the midwives at the hospital in accordance to our birth plan and I ended up having a natural, spontaneous and medication free birth, all thanks to Louise’s moral support and encouragement.

Anyone looking for a comprehensive guide to birthing in Denmark and understanding the healthcare system, birthing options, optimal positions, physiology of birth, partners role and how they can best support- the birth prep class is for you. And with the wonderful doulas- it’s a complete birthing team!

Amrita, first time mum

I can truly recommend Copenhagen Doalas. Karina and Louise are very professional, knowledgeable and caring. They really helped my husband and me to be better prepared, make decisions that were RIGHT for us, and helped me to lisen to my own body and mind.

The birth of our first child was problematic and I was left feeling sad, helpless and misunderstood. So when I got pregnant again I knew I needed to do everything in my power to not have the same experience again. I then contacted Karina and Louise at Copenhagen Doulas to get assistance in leaving my first birth behind and focus on the next one.

They really helped me focus on the coming birth instead of focusing on the last one, they gave solid professional advice, helped me find my inner strength and believe in myself.

I wish all pregnant women would have the benefit of Copenhagen Doulas, they truly made a huge impact on my second birth—I walked away from it feeling strong, confident and truly happy and relieved.

Ronja, second time mum

Louise and Karina Isolde work in tandem and hiring them as our doulas was one of the best decisions we could make.

Although sceptical at first with the general idea of having doulas, I could see how every session helped my girlfriend to relax, enjoy her pregnancy and see the beauty of expecting our son under her heart.

Louise and Karina Isolde were nicely complementing with their advice on excercises, meditation, relaxation, massage techniques and all the information on what to expect and what not to expect.

Karina Isolde gave us a lot of mental support in times when we were worried about our son’s health due to some small complications during pregnancy. Luckily, everything worked out.

I have to say that my strongest memory and gratitude dates back to birth – Louise was in touch with us since the first contractions started. She arrived to our place, helped with every single detail and gave a lot of support to my girlfriend. She stayed with us during the birth and was like a silent invisible angel, who took care of all the things in the background, communicated with the staff, provided us what we needed, while we could be fully in our own world focused on the birth of our son.

I am amazed by the professionality, sensitivity and love these ladies put into their job and I recommend them greatly. We will definitely hire them when expecting again.

Ivan, first time dad

A year later, I’ve been reflecting on the powerful and joyful experience of giving birth to our second child, guided by Louise and Karina.

After a rater confusing first birth, I was very drawn to the idea of a ‘wise woman’ who had attended many births but can also get to know your beforehand, and be with you throughout even when hospital staff change shifts

It was all I wanted and more, I can’t recommend Louise and Karina highly enough. Wiseness a-plenty, but also amazing listening and gentleness. From relaxing rebozo to helping us get the practical details in place.

My partner was initially a little sceptical about the idea, but converted the moment he walked into Copenhagen  Doulas.

I wish this for everyone. 

Louise, second time mum

My husband and I are so grateful Karina was with us through our birth at Hvidovre. She was a fantastic support for helping empower us as we navigated the Danish public system in a complex birthing situation.

Both Karina and Louise were great at our prenatal and postpartum appointments with them, as well. I highly recommend them.

Sally, first time mum

Karina and Louise are absolutely wonderful. They made the birth experience of my first daughter really wonderful, calm, and beautiful.

Louise took charge right as she came to my apartment, she kindly but firmly directed my husband and mother on exactly what to do. She took us to the hospital at exactly the right time, and guided my husband and I so we all worked as a team through labor.

I had a wonderful, safe, natural birth and I’m so grateful for Louise and Karina for making that possible.

I would recommend them to anyone looking for a confident, warm, and experienced birth partner.

Emily, first time mum

We highly recommend Copenhagen Doulas to anyone expecting a child. We chose to both engage them to be our birth doulas as well as attend their Ready for Birth and Beyond course. Both Louise and Karina were an amazing source of support and guidance throughout the pregnancy and the birth of our child. They were there to answer all our questions and offer advice on everything from prenatal care to labour and delivery. We were quite worried about navigating the Danish health system during such an important time in our lives, but Louise and Karina put our minds at ease, equipping us with the information we needed. Participating in the course not only provided us with invaluable information but also gave us an opportunity to meet other parents-to-be who we could relate to and share experiences with. The individual meetings on top of the course that Karina and Louise provided as our birth doulas added a personal touch and gave us even more time to pick their brains! Knowing they were only a message or call away really put our minds at ease.

Before the birth, we were guided through techniques for pain management as well ways to prepare the body and mind for birth. They helped with putting together the birth preferences in a way that resonated well with me but also worded appropriately for the hospital staff to understand clearly. Louise and Karina ensured that we knew what to expect from the hospital staff too, which meant we were well prepared with how to respond and to ask the right questions where necessary.

During labour, we had Karina with us the whole time providing practical support and encouragement not only to me as the mother-to-be but also to the father-to-be. Whilst in the early stages of labour she worked through the different techniques we had learnt to help get me through contractions. Importantly, she gave us guidance on when it was the right time to head to the hospital. Once there, she helped advocate for us and made sure our needs were respected. We owe a great deal to her expertise, which helped everything go smoothly on the day. Their support continued after the birth with a postpartum check-in and keeping in touch afterwards to offer advice if needed. It’s so lovely that they are still interested in keeping in touch even after their services are officially over.

We are so grateful to have had Karina and Louise as our birth doulas and would highly recommend them. We felt as if we just had a comforting arm around us through the whole journey and we cannot thank them enough for supporting us through such an important milestone in our lives!

Sheetal, first time mum

Copenhagen Doulas

  • We help you keep focus through the course, gather the threads and make sure you feel safe and supported so you feel empowered and are able to make well informed choices for both pregnancy and birth.

  • We believe that continuity, health promotion and prevention nourish you and your partner and strenghten your position as parents and caretakers.

  • Through our 28+ years experience as doulas we have assisted at many different kinds of births and we have witnessed and experienced the most at both home and hospital births.

Louise Timm and Karina Isolde Balslev,
founders and owners of Copenhagen Doulas
Copenhagen Doulas

Karina Isolde & Louise Timm Copenhagen Doulas birth doula doula support

Birth Doula package

Our birth doula package includes:

  • 4 x pre-natal sessions including birth preparation and rebozo massage

  • A comprehensive workbook to support your own work and process

  • Access to inspiring interviews with acknowledged birth keepers and mothers

  • Assistance with framing and translating your birth preferences

  • 24/7 stand-by in the weeks before and after due date (incl telephone and mail-corrospondance when needed)

  • Birth – full availability from when labour is building up (active labour) until your child is born

  • The aftermath – full availability the first hours until you feel safe and comfortable

  • 1 postpartum visit within 10 days after birth

  • Telephone, text, and mail-corrospondance when needed within the first month postpartum

Our birth doula package is for you who:

  • Wishes continuous support during pregnancy, birth, and early postpartum

  • Envision a safe and empowering birth
  • Acknowledge birth as an important experience for both you and your baby

You might know that you need extra support and care to feel confident and safe, be planning a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), have (finally) conceived trough IVF, have experienced a disappointing or traumatic birth, be a solo-mom, expect a medical birth, like to work in-depth and prepare best possible for birth or something completely else – we welcome you with open arms and hearts.

Prenatal sessions are held at our place in Østerbro. The postpartum meeting is held in the comfort of your own home. 

If you would like the prenatal sessions to be held in the comfort of your home there’s a travel expense fee of 250,- dkk per session + mileage 3,76 dkk/km.

25.000 DKK incl. VAT and taxes.

It’s possible to pay by installments.
If paid by installments there will be a 200,00 DKK fee per installment.

Travel expenses fee (250,00 DKK per session) + milage (3,76 DKK per kilometer) if you want the sessions at the comfort of your own home. 

How many births do you take on at a time?
We have the capacity to attend four births a month.

How is your role diffent from the midwife’s and how is your relationship with the midwives and the medical staff?
The goal of the midwife and medical staff is to ensure a safe outcome of childbirth. The goal of the doula is to ensure that the birthing woman feels safe and confident. We work in tandem with the midwives and the medical staff to support you and your partner in having a safe and satisfying birth experience. We are familiar faces at the hospitals in Region Hovedstaden and we are always welcomed by the midwives and medical staff.

Do you have contracts?
Yes we do! To establish a trusting relationship it is very important to have full transparency and know what to expect from eachother and the contract serves as a foundation for our coorperation.

What do you do in case multiple clients go into labour at the same time?
We collaborate with a group of like-minded doula colleagues so in case this should happen you are guarenteed a doula.

What are your qualifications?
Karina Isolde started out as a birth coach in 2007, she later took a doula training, became a nutritional advisor, took a postpartum doula training and is now studying midwifery in Copenhagen. Since 2007 she has taken a lot of pregnancy, birth and postnatal related courses and workshops including pre and perinatal psychology, Spinning Babies®, rebozo and hormonal physiology.
Louise started out as a yoga teacher in 2006 and after taking pre and postnatal yoga teacher trainings she also bacame a doula and has taken a great many courses in movement, breath and pelvic awareness, pre and perinatal psychology, Spinning Babies® and rebozo and is now also studying biodynamic cranio sacral therapy.

Find out more about us here.

Will there be one main doula or will we work with you both?
We work as a team meaning that you will meet both of us at the sessions during pregnancy, two sessions with each of us. We take shifts being on call so it will be either Louise or Karina Isolde attending the birth.

We consider giving birth at home, do you have birth pools available?
Yes we rent out birth pools and sell liners. We have four birth pools: three inflatable La Bassine Regular and one round solid ‘olfashioned’ birth tub.

How many births have you attended?
We have attended and supported around 300 births in total as doulas and we have experienced the most; births in hospitals and at home, undisturbed physiological births, high intervention births, water births, planned and acute cesarean births, twin births, and we have also supported families experiencing premature births and miscarriages.
We would also want to emphasise that in the end it all comes down to chemestry…experience is great, but the chemestry needs to be there in order for you to feel safe and supported.

“Asking your husband to be your sole guide through labor is like asking him to lead the way on a climb of Mt. Everest.

He may be smart and trustworthy, and you may love him, but in the Himalayas you’d both be a lot better off with a Sherpa! ”

~ Pamela England