Ready for

Birth and Beyond

360° birth preparation in a 1-day workshop
– promotes
clarity, tranquility and confidence. 

Antenatal class prenatal class birth preparation workshop birth boot-camp get ready for birth and beyond in copenhagen denmark
Our Ready for Birth and Beyond 1-day workshop is tailored to the interests of each group. Due to the interactive nature of the classes, the content can vary slightly, so the list below is a guide to the topics we cover:
  • Final stages of pregnancy and getting ready for birth
  • Parent cooperation and teamwork
  • Early signs of labour and coping at home
  • When to call the midwives/go to the hospital
  • Coping with labour: natural strategies and different types of pain-relief medication
  • Birth partner’s role in labour
  • Birthing postitions
  • Induction of labour
  • Medical and instrumental interventions
  • Home birth
  • The golden hours after birth
  • Your conscious baby
  • Establishing breastfeeding
  • How to manage common breastfeeding problems
  • Early weeks with your baby
  • How to deal with a crying baby
  • Your emotional health

3.975,00 DKK
including tea, snacks and a comprehensive compendium to support integration of what you learn in the workshop.

Date: Saturday August 24 
Time: 10:00-18:00
Venue: Salig, Masnedøgade 20, 2100 Cph Ø
Due period: September/October/November

Date: Friday October 11
Time: 10:00-18:00
Venue: Salig, Masnedøgade 20, 2100 Cph Ø
Due period: October/November/December

Date: Saturday December 7 
Time: 10:00-18:00
Venue: Salig, Masnedøgade 20, 2100 Cph Ø
Due period: December/January/February

Are your Ready for Birth and Beyond 1-day workshops taught in English?
Yes, it’s in English and you will also get a compendium in English to help support learning and integration. 

Where are the workshops held?
The workshops are held at Holsteinsgade 6 in Østerbro. 

How do I get there?
You can take the M3 metro or bus 1A to Trianglen, from here there’s a 5 min walk.
You can take the S-train to Østerport Station, from here there’s a 10 min walk.
If you go by bike you can park it on the pavement outside the studio.
If you come by car you can park in all the streets in the area, you have to be ready to exercise your patience though… It is within the blue parking zone (16 kr/hour) – you can use the EasyPark app.

What should we bring to the workshop?
We serve tea and light snacks. Please bring your favorite notebook and pen and wear comfortable clothes. Please also bring lunch, you can store it in our fridge if you do not want to use time to go buy it in the lunchbreak. 

Who are teaching the Ready for Birth and Beyond 1-day workshops?
It is either Louise Timm or Karina Isolde Balslev, founders and owners of Copenhagen Doulas.

How do I sign up?
Just chose the workshop that suits your needs below and you will be guided to our shop. Here you go to checkout, fill in your name and e-mail and proceed to payment. You can pay with VISA, MasterCard or MobilePay. You will receive a confirmation email with practical info. 

Ready for Birth and Beyond

1-day workshop

Through inspiring presentations, hands-on exercises and activities, evidence based information and talk we strive for individuality; that you and your partner feel safe, primed and ready for birth – no matter how it will unfold.

At Copenhagen Doulas we do not teach by a particular method. During our Ready for Birth and Beyond 1-day workshop you and your partner will build a mutual foundation for how you want to welcome your baby – there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ model, you will have to find your individual recipe.
We show you the possibilities and options, what to expect in the Danish healthcare system, guide you and pave the way for you to make the choices that make sense to you.

At the Ready for Birth and Beyond 1-day workshop you will get seven contact hours of teaching and there’s a one-hour lunch break included.

We call it essential birth preparation that nourishes you during pregnancy, strenghten your team work with your partner and make you ready for birth and beyond.

It was great to be together in this travel of getting ready for birth and we both enjoyed the hands-on exercises and the theoretical part. Louise and Karina Isolde are well educated and experienced, they are well spoken and has great empathy. And then it was great to meet other pregnant couples from around the world. I definitely recommend others to do the same.

Kristine, first time mom

Copenhagen Doulas was an amazing learning experience for me and my wife.
Karina Isolde and Louise do an amazing job teaching and supporting parents through the amazing journey that is pregnancy and birth.
I would specially like to highlight that the courses are personalized for every couple, making it an unique experience. Karina Isolde and Louise thank you for all the love and support during our journey.

Morgan, first time dad

The ‘Ready for Birth and Beyond’ class put our minds at ease by giving us extensive information about birth and teaching us how to relieve stress and anxiety about the process. Karina Isolde and Louise are forces of nature who taught us a less scary way to think about birth, how to cope, as well as how to manage relationships with medical professionals involved in pregnancy and birth. As an added bonus, we build a great network of moms who continue to meet and support each other!”

Tanja, first time mum

Doing the ‘Ready for Birth’ preparation class with Copenhagen Doulas was one of the best experiences I had during my pregnancy. I could share my feelings and be at ease. I was extremely scared about the idea of birth and delivery, as a first time mom, but learning how to keep calm through talking, various exercises and yoga, really helped me through. And of course, extremely thankful for the mommy group with whom I can relate every experience

Nusrat, Isayah's mom

I found Copenhagen Doulas and signed up to their ‘Ready for Birth’ class and I couldn’t be happier that I did. The course helped me build mental and spiritual strength for the road ahead, not just internally but with my partner too, bonding us closer together. The course also acted as a social springboard too and our group still keeps in regular contact, upholding and supporting each other which I am so grateful for. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is pregnant and wants to add joy and confidence into the process!

Honey, Leo's mom

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Hodnett et al 2012 & Evidence Based Birth 2017