Pregnancy Guide

All you need to know about your rights, your options
and what is offered during pregnancy in the
Danish public healthcare system.

Copenhagen Doulas Pregnancy Guide prenatal check-ups in the Danish public healthcare system understand your options understand your rights giving birth in denmark all you need to know when pregnant in denmark pregnant in copenhagen

Copenhagen Doulas Pregnancy Guide prenatal check-ups in Danish public healthcare system

99,00 dkk

Is your pregnancy guide eBook in English?
Yes, it’s in English and you will also get a glossary with some of the most used Danish words used during pregnancy.

I plan to give birth at home, does your pregnancy guide eBook cover homebirth?
Yes, our guide covers homebirth in the Danish public healthcare system.

How do I receive the pregnancy guide?
When you purchase our pregnancy guide eBook you will receive it right away in the payment confirmation e-mail.

Who are the authors?
The pregnancy guide eBook is written by Louise Timm and Karina Isolde Balslev, founders and owners of Copenhagen Doulas. We have almost 30 years experience with helping couples navigate the public Danish healthcare system, preparing them for birth in both in-person and online courses and assisting births in both hospital and home settings mainly in the capitol region of Copenhagen.

How do get a copy of your pregnancy guide eBook?
Just hit the purchase button below and you will be guided to our shop, go to checkout, fill in your name and e-mail and proceed to payment. You can pay with VISA, MasterCard or MobilePay.

Pregnancy Guide

E-book for parents expecting a baby in Denmark 

IN this guide we focus on the prenatal check-ups offered by the public healthcare system here in Denmark—what to expect from them and how to navigate them—and we provide a basic introduction to your rights and options.

As women, mothers and birth keepers we feel very passionately that you should be able to know your options and rights—what you can ask for. In our experience these options and rights can sometimes be hard to understand.

We have worked as childbirth educators and doulas for more than 20 years, and we have often seen expecting expats and parents-to-be who are new in Denmark find it difficult to navigate our public healthcare system.

We know that even in a country where almost everyone is comfortable having conversations in English, you can still find that information gets lost in translation.

So, we hope that this guide will help you to get the best out of the public healthcare system in Denmark during your pregnancy.

I really appriciate the detailed overview of the entire process from start to end of pregnancy and the guidance on what to ask the midwife.

I also found the part about my rights as patient and the chapter about informed consent really useful – it really empowered me to understand this. 

Marielle, second time mum

It is a very informative book, very well explained where you can find all the options you can get. When you live in a foreign country where you don’t know how the health system works, having a guide like this is really helpful.

First time mum

Cant’ recommend this enough to everyone new to the Danish health system. Thanks for putting this together.

Marta, first time mum

I really liked the overview of the consultations with the midwife/prenatal check-ups and ultrasounds, so I can already mentally prepare for what to expect.

Nienke, second time mum

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Hodnett et al 2012 & Evidence Based Birth 2017