
Dear mamma

Wild woman what is your heart longing for ?

Dear mamma to be what is important for you, what makes your heart sing and your body at ease?
How and when do you feel safe? Working As Doulas we meet many different women and partners.
Not one pregnancy or birth looks the same and so it should be. What is right for your best friend may not at all be for you.
And you know what !!!
That is ok. Your pregnancy and your journey into motherhood are yours.
It is a potent time where listening to your inner voice and calling can be both freaking scary but also deeply powerful and just right for you and your baby.
As doulas and as women we come with wisdom and deep knowledge.
We sometimes choose to let our wisdom unfold slowly and gently.

Why ???
Because sometimes a woman might need her time and space before she and her baby are ready to absorb and take in new ways, ideas, and information.
And that is ok! Your pregnancy and your birth are about what works for you and who you are not what everyone else thinks or felt worked for them.And that is where we meet you!
We meet you on your path and we walk beside you.Our doula calendar is available for births in
May / June / August / September

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