Terms and Conditions

Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training

Terms and Conditions

Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training

These terms and conditions apply from the date of booking and payment.

The outcome of this training is a mutual responsibility between the trainers, the individual student and the group as a whole. The Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training team provides the foundations in terms of course material, structure, content, mentoring and learning facilities, however, it is required that you are able to work responsibly with your own process personally, professionally and in a group. 

1.0. Obligations and responsibilities of Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training
1.1. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training provides sixteen days of in-person Doula Training (128 contact hours) + one mentoring session. If due to external circumstances beyond our control, on-site teaching is not possible, we will partly teach online; the hands-on part will be scheduled on-site at a later date.

1.2. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training provides course material available to each student.

1.3. The training material is primarily in English and will be available online after the first module of the training.

1.4. Mentoring:

1.4.a. One online 1:1 mentor session is provided approx. half way through the training. Dates will be announced after the training has begun. 

The purpose of this session is to provide personal mentoring to each student’s personal process, learning experience and eg. supervision to midway assignment or training client experiences in the training.
The sessions are held online via Zoom and details on booking are shared during the course. Mentor sessions are shared between the teachers in the doula training.
The training team suggests dates in our online forum and it is the student’s responsibility to book and be present for the scheduled mentor session. 

1.4.b. If the mentor has to cancel (e.g. attending birth or force majeure) the mentor session will be rescheduled as soon as possible. If the student does not attend or cancels the mentor session, the program manager will do what they can to reschedule the session within the timeframe of the training. 

1.4.c. Additional mentoring is available, at an hourly rate of 850 DKK.

1.5. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training provides a list of resources, some primary, some secondary. Books must be purchased by the student.

1.6. Certification is included in the tuition (see more about certification under point 4.0.).

1.7. Website:

1.7.a. Every Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training student may be listed on the Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training website as a student-doula, if they want to, for one year after completion of training.

1.7.b. The Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training trainers hold the right to formulate and change what is written on the website at any time. 

2.0. Content and quality of the training

2.1. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training is intended to:

2.1.a. Educate doulas, with emphasis on how to offer support in pregnancy, labour and early postpartum from the 5 modular pillars of the training: Informational support, Physical support, Emotional support, Embodied support and Professional support. 

2.1.b. Inspire and train doulas to support primarily the pregnant and labouring person, but also to provide quality care and support to partner or birth companion.

2.1.c. Inspire and educate doulas to support families in various settings (e.g. homebirth, hospital birth, birth clinic, etc.).

2.1.d. Inspire personal self-enquiry, embodied knowledge and the cultivation of conscious leadership which we consider required for being a doula and birth professional. 

2.2. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training carries out the training to the best of our ability and understanding, while keeping up to date and getting informed of the most recent development and insights in the field of birth care.
The teachers associated with the training have extensive experience as active doulas and are committed to continuously developing their expertise.

2.3. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training reserves the right to modify the form and content of training components if necessary. If this affects the student’s progress and certification, they will be informed.

3.0. Obligations and responsibilities of the student

3.1. The Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training is open to anyone who wishes to enter the profession of doula. The training is also accessible for people who want to do the training as an addition to their existing practice (e.g. yoga teacher, childbirth educators, bodyworkers, lactation consultants, etc.) and to helthcare professionals already working in the field (e.g. midwives, student midwives, maternity nurses, obstetricians, etc.). The Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training does not have any prior education requirements.

3.2. Upon registration the student is asked to fill out an intake questionnaire with motivation and background info etc. The student commits to fill out this questionnaire well in advance of the training. If Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training feels it necessary, we may contact you to discuss certain points.

3.3. Since the training is taught in English and uses both mainstream and academic literature and other resources in English, it is required that the student can communicate and read coherently in English. The student does not need to be fluent speaking or writing in English.

3.4. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training does not have any prior education requirements. The student must be able to translate and integrate what they have read and learned in the in-person days into the practice of their work as a doula.
It is the student’s own responsibility to assess, prior to enrolment, whether this is realistic. If in doubt, the student must contact Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training team, prior to enrolment, for clarification. If during the training, it is noticed that the level of understanding and integration is not sufficient, an evaluation meeting can be scheduled.

3.5 The training does not give you any medical certification or qualification to practise professionally as a healthcare provider, e.g. midwife or doctor. Likewise this training does not give direct access to work in a position in the public Danish healthcare system. But as a doula certified from the Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training you can work as an independent private doula, supporting clients in various settings.

3.6. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training is an adult education and it has a modular structure. This means that the student is expected to plan and organise a personal study frequency and structure additional to the scheduled classes and mentor sessions. If needed the training team will gladly support and inspire this.

3.7. The student is expected to be proactive and act independently and autonomously. This means, among other things, that the student:

3.7.a. Attends all of the in-person days and arrives on time.

3.7.b. Participates the entire day of all scheduled modules (unless there is an emergency).

3.7.c. Meets the self-study criteria: the student ensures being familiar with resources and material shared during the course, including the training manual.

3.7.d. Take the initiative to contact the mentor about relevant personal or study-related challenges if needed.

3.7.e. Keeps track of the outline in the training structure and updates in the course material shared by the training team.  

3.7.f. Is responsible for finding practising clients during the period of the course.

3.7.g. Practise awareness of and reflects on cultural differences, own biases and frame of reference and actively develop cultural competence and connection-oriented communication.

3.7.h. Planning and fulfilling at least one doula course with a client (sessions during pregnancy, attending birth, follow-up postpartum) within one year from the start of the training. 

3.7.i. Hand in all assignments.

3.7.j. Participate in one mentor-session.

3.8. It is self-evident for us that the student is respectful towards other students, trainers, other doulas and healthcare providers in the field (e.g., midwives, obstetricians, nurses, lactation consultants, etc.).

3.9. Knowing that there can be triggers and strong emotions surfacing when engaging with the themes around pregnancy, birth and postpartum in this course, we encourage the students to contact the training team if more support is required. 

3.10. The moment the student/certified doula presents herself online and/or offline as a Copenhagen Doulas’ (student) doula, she is required to adhere to our Scope and Standard of Practice and the European Doula Network’s (EDN) Code of Ethics. These will be found in the course material. 

3.11. The training manual, presentation materials (files or printouts) and exercises used in the in-person training days are copyrighted by Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training. The material and resources may not be shared or copied without prior written permission. Reproduction of the training curriculum is not possible.

3.12. The entirety of hands-on skills as offered in Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training’s curriculum cannot be offered by the student/graduate in its entirety as a curriculum to train other professionals. Doing so is a violation of Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training’s intellectual property rights.

3.13. The hands-on skills, information and experience the student is taught during the training are for use in sessions with doula clients. The information and experience Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training provides is for personal sessions only, since the scope of groups require other capacities beyond this training. 

4.0. Certification
4.1. Within 12 months from the beginning of the Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training the  student must fulfil certification requirements which include:

4.1.a. The student is required to fulfil obligations and responsibilities listed in points 3.7. – 3.7.j.  

4.1.b. Within 18 month from the beginning of the training the student must have completed at least one doula course with a client, which the student writes an assignment about and sends to Copenhagen Doulas. When the doula course is completed, the assignment has been submitted, and the student has received feedback from the trainers, the student will get the certificate and be featured on Copenhagen Doulas website.

4.2. The student may request an extension of the certification period, giving reasons. The student is responsible to do this on time. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training reserves the right to grant or deny this extension.

4.3. To become certified as a Copenhagen Doulas’ doula, it is required that you meet all the requirements described in points 4.0.-4.12.

4.4. If the mentor feels the need for an intermediate evaluation during the certification process, the student is invited to a conversation about this with one of the mentors. 

4.5. If the trainers of the Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training see reason not to certify a student, this will be communicated to the student. Reasons could be, e.g., not attending the expected births, inadequate presence during the modules or lack of practice in between the modules. The student will be given the opportunity to discuss the components on which Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training is making the decision not to certify the student. The final decision lies with Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training team.

4.6. Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training reserves the right, at all times, to deny the student further participation in the training, and/or not to certify if the points mentioned in 4.0.-4.12 are not met. 

4.7. When the student has met all criteria and the portfolio has been submitted, reviewed and approved, a certification interview will follow, where the student will receive the certificate. The certification takes place within 6-8 weeks after the portfolio has been approved. If there are exceptional circumstances, this term may vary. The certification interview is with the personal mentor, and if possible, one of the other trainers. The certification is preferably on location, but is also possible online. 

4.8. When the student is certified, she is authorised to call herself Copenhagen Doulas’ Certified Doula or Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula, and/or to mention on promotional materials that she has done the Doula Training at Copenhagen Doulas.

4.9. Certification is valid for life, as long as the doula adheres to our Scope and Standard of Practice and the EDN’s Code of Ethics. There is no recertification requirement. 

4.10. If Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training becomes aware that the doula in question is not adhering to our Scope and Standard of Practice and the EDN’s Code of Ethics, and/or is violating Copenhagen Doulas Doula Training’s copyright, the doula will be notified by email that, for compelling reasons, the doula in question may no longer call herself a Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula or Copenhagen Doulas’ Certified Doula.

4.11. On the online platform, only students who are within their 1-year certification process and have the intention to work as a doula, as well as certified Copenhagen Doulas’ doulas are allowed. If a student no longer meets these requirements, she will be removed from the online platform. 

4.12. The Copenhagen Doulas trainers take the initiative to a yearly doula community gathering, for certified doulas and former students with the intention of sharing joy and experiences, plus continuous inspiration and education. This gathering is separate and not included in the tuition fee for the doula training. 

5.0. Grievance procedure

5.1. If a student has a complaint about the training or the trainer(s) we encourage that the student addresses the trainers timely and directly by mail. All inquiries must be sent to the trainers of Copenhagen Doulas at mail(a)copenhagendoulas.dk. Every inquiry will be handled individually and in dialogue with the student and any others involved. 


6.0. Cancellation policy and payment obligation
6.1. Please note that the booking of the Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training is binding, no matter circumstances or selected payment method. There is no reimbursement for transactions already received.
The terms and conditions of the payment policy is described in p. 6.1.a.-6.1.d. 

6.1.a. If a student has registered by paying the full tuition amount and requests a cancellation more than 30 days before start of the training, a 50% reimbursement is offered

6.1.b. If a student has registered by paying the full tuition amount and requests a cancellation within 30 days before start of the training there is no reimbursement and the student is obliged to pay the full tuition amount.

6.1.c. If a student has registered by paying the full tuition amount and requests a cancellation after the training has begun there is no reimbursement

6.1.d. If a student has registered by paying by installments and requests a cancellation more than 30 days before start of the training there is no reimbursement and the student is obliged to pay 50% of the full tuition amount.

6.1.e. If a student has registered by paying by installments and requests a cancellation within 30 days before start of the training there is no reimbursement and the student is obliged to pay the full tuition amount

6.1.f. If a student has registered by paying by installments and requests a cancellation after the training has begun there is no reimbursement and the student is obliged to pay the full tuition amount.  

6.2. The cancellation must be sent by e-mail to mail(a)copenhagendoulas.dk

7.0. Force majeure and other calamities
7.1. If Copenhagen Doulas’ Doula Training must reschedule or modify a training weekend or day due to force regulations imposed by the government, calamities or force majeure, or illness of the trainers, the teaching will be offered either on-line or in person as soon as possible. The cancellation and payment policy of the training is still binding under these circumstances.

Studies show that the presence of a doula during birth results in shorter births, fewer interventions,
and less need for medical pain-relief amongst other things.

Hodnett et al 2012 & Evidence Based Birth 2017